Monday, February 28, 2011
Leaving my nutritional appt. - I'm 17lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight! Woo Hoo! 13lbs more to go & I'll be at my high school weight #GIG
Friday, February 18, 2011
It's 2011 who or what are you waiting on?
It is amazing to me how many people say they want to change but they're not willing to change to get the change. I believe that way of thinking is insanity - doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results each time. Change is not change until you've actually changed. Surely, at some point in time, something has got to click! I mean think about it really, 95% of the population get up every single morning and go to work. They repeatedly try to get ahead by either working overtime, or by working 2 and 3 jobs, or by going back to school. None of those things guarantee financial independence or time freedom.
How many people around you work their butts off? Don't get me wrong, yes, they are the ones who do get ahead in life but they never truly become financially free. How successful are they really? Do they still complain about not having enough money? About not being able to go on vacations? About not being able to spend time with their friends and family? About not being able to live the life they truly want to live? Always having to check their schedules and ask permission to go to the doctor, take their car in for maintenance, have breakfast with their child at school? Etc.. If you do not control or schedule your own time someone else will!
It is imperative that know how the other 5% are living their lives. They take risks and advantage of opportunities. They do what the unsuccessful are not willing to do? Personal development. Turning off the TV. Investing in themselves so they can leave a legacy for the children. Disciplining themselves to do something every day in their business, such as making a plan or goal and adhering to it. Surrounding themselves with successful people. I am learning that in order to become successful you have to fail! In order to fail you must do! In order to do you must have faith. Without faith there's no trust in one's abilities and talents.
God does not operate in fear. When will you trust that He wants you to be prosperous and in good health? What or who is mentoring you to get you to your destination? How much time do you spend cultivating YOUR own bottom line?
Do you realize you spend more time at work than with your family? Let me show you how to start getting financial independence and time freedom.
Ja'Mille Wilborn
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from Ja's BlackBerry®
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I am downloading iLife '11 <3 iLove my iMac! Videos coming soon (check out my blog l8r) #theonlyja
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Insurance Scam - Why you need PrePaid Legal! #legal411
Have you ever sat in court waiting for your name to be called by a Judge? You've sat there for an hour watching everyone check-in just to sit there for another hour and wait for the public defenders and lawyers show up. You've had to take off from work and know you are going to have to pay over $200 for a ticket, you feel you were given unfairly. But when it comes time to plead you plead "Guilty" because you feel you have no other option.
Well, Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. allows a lawyer to show up and represent you in court for less than a dollar a day.
Also, did you know 95% of most traffic citations can be fought and won. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. allows you to fight for and check your rights without having to check your bank account.
Call me and I will tell you how to protect yourself and your family.
Ja'Mille WIlborn
Pre-Paid Legal Manager