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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Me and Jovita Moore of Channel 2 WSBTV #TeamJovita at the #mashmeetup for Social Media Day Event
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
UGH! Princess Aurya FINALLY went back to sleep
So it started at about 2:05AM - She's been tossin' and turnin' ever since. I suspect a few things, one she's hungry b/c I'm trying to wean her off the bottle and have been concentrating on giving her more food. Alas, so far Aurya's not trying to have it! She let me spoon a few mouthfuls and then purses her lips and turns away.
Two, she's not had a bowel movement today. I've tried a few things but they don't seem to be helping but I did just start the regiments. Pedialax works. wonderfully but seems to be quite brutal on her little system and I hate hearing her cry so intensely and painfully. I may need to take her to another doctor to get a second opinion. Her current doctor did not even look at or assess her. He just made blanketed comments based off of his presumptions. I did receive some great suggestions and feed back from my twitter friends. (Thanks Philly_Kazia, RafiqtheEmcee, and FunnyAida). I've tried a few of them (warm apple juice (organic) and yogurt (yobaby blueberry organic). I will try some prune juice and rubbing Castor Oil on her belly along with a warm compress after a few days of consistently giving her warm apple juice and yogurt; hopefully those will work. I did not want to include all of the remedies at once and overwhelm her little system. (SIGH) Okay, I finally broke down and gave her a 4oz bottle of Gerber Soy Milk. This is going to be an interesting process. I absolutely love my children - I would stay up all night with them if need be (yawn) Good Night (morning??). Stay tuned. Thus far I've got a little foot shoved in my stomach. Ah! The joys of motherhood *smile*Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Monday, June 20, 2011
At Regal Cinemas watching Super 8 with Ste'Fon, Jordan and Aurya <~~~~~she's sleeping :)
Aurya just had her 9mos. Checkup! Yaaaay!
She is 28 inches (2ft 4inches) and 18.3lbs. The doctor wants her to start stage 3 foods but she has NO teeth? How's that gonna work? He claims she has none because I'm not giving her cow's milk which has the calcium in it to help produce teeth... Hmmm! I'm suspect!
I also spoke with him about her constipation and he said that I need to minimize her milk and increase her food consumption. I can do that! Then he went on to say that she really should be on cow's milk but I'm not in agreement. I don't do dairy and also don't want to raise Aurya on dairy and meat. So I'm going to have to do a little more research to ensure I'm not doing my daughter an injustice. I'll let you know.Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Sunday, June 19, 2011
VIP Toddler Modeling | Aurya Wilborn | Loves Modeling
I just entered my daughter Auyra in The Cute Kid modeling site. Of course I am biased! Princess Aurya is the MOST BEAUTIFUL girl in the world!!!!
My little princess is very animated. She is very easily amused and keeps us in stitches most of the time but she does have a serious side. She is very curious and adventurous and will not hesitate to go after something she's interested in. She is very loving and I've not ever gone anywhere and had others not tell me how beautiful and adorable she is; that I should get her into modeling.
Aurya is currently entered in the Gerber Generation Contest. She has not ever done any modeling work and we are willing to travel
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Mommy I don't want any more Gerber carrots
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Aurya is so cute Gerber just posted her photo in their Gerber Generation Gallery
I entered Aurya’s photo in the 2011 Gerber Generation Photo Search! They reviewed her photo and she is now part of the Gerber Generation Gallery.
Voting for Milestone Winners is from July 5th, 2011 through July 31st, 2011. I'll send a reminder when voting starts. So please make sure you go to the site and vote!In the meantime, click below to view Aurya’s photo and please share it with friends and family.View Photo
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
My Son Ste'Fon reading to Aurya @BNBuzz participating in NFL player @ChrisDraft foundation @EmpowerFamily for #read30
Thursday, June 2, 2011
So what do you think about these 14K solid gold nails I saw while @greenbriarmall yesterday?
This lady I assume was a cashier/owner of Pretty Feet Shoes @greenbriarmall - her acrylic nails are 14K Gold - she says that she had them specifically tailored to her fingers so she can reuse them over and over again. She selected 14K gold because anything less is too soft and that she's had them for the past 15 years (if I can recall properly).
She occasionally removes and cleans them with a special acetone so that she can service her personal nails (which are as long as the 14K gold acrylics) and then replaces the acrylics back over her nails. I've never seen anything like this before and wanted to share it with you too. What do you think?Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®