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39 years ago today God granted me permission to grace His wonderful Earth. I have experienced some spectacular moments in my life and some not so great ones but through it all God has always been with me and taken care of me (God takes care of babies and fools??). As I think back over the span of my life I see where God has rescued me from all of my knuckle headed decisions. I have come to realize that I have the power to change every outcome of my life by simply making a decision. If it’s the wrong one to change that decision and change my course of direction. None of who I am today would be possible without God’s grace, mercy and divine appointments.
The older I get the more patient, tolerant and peaceful I become. I am realizing that it’s okay for me to be me to the very core of my being. I am content with who God has wired me to be and am open to altering my path to fulfill my destiny. Some of my wires may become frayed, shorted or replaced but God has a plan in mind for me. He has fearfully and wonderfully designed me and I have to trust His handiwork.
I truly care and love everything and everyone around me passionately. No matter what’s going on with me, if I can help, if I can brighten your day, I will. And whatever is not right by my hand, I will do my best to rectify. That is the legacy I leave behind.
I thank my awesome Creator for giving me 468 months or 2,034 weeks or 14,244 days or 341,856 hours or 20,511,274 minutes or 1,230,676,500 seconds on this Earth. I pray he allows me to attain the wisdom of Solomon, the Beauty of Vashti and Sarai, and the business savvy of Jay-Z . *smiling*
I want to thank everyone who has wished me a Happy Birthday thus far (I PROMISE I will thank you all individually). My birthday wish is for you to forgive everyone of everything BUT don’t EVER forget so it can’t be done to you again.
Ja’Mille Wilborn Founder of Soulcial Media Evolutions LLC
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