I became acquainted with Ms. Sophia on Facebook while engaging in conversations on Warren Ballentine’s facebook profile (The #1 Truth Fighter). Ever since our association, she has been a inspiration and a source of strength to me. She appears to be very down-to-earth and genuinely concerned for the well-being of others.
I implore with you to join me in this iask, Inc. call to fast to strengthen our lives, our commitments to God and one another, our relationships (business, friends or family), our paradigms (to be shifted, strengthened or validated). ("For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matthew 18:20)
Below are the rules of engagement specified by iask, Inc…
Rules of Fast
- Arise one half hour early each morning for prayer, bible reading and meditation.
- Retire no later than 11PM daily to rest your body—sleep is a natural healer and critical for hormone production in women’s bodies.
- If you fast regularly and your fasting routine is more rigorous than what has been set forth for this consecration, please feel free to do more than has been requested. I only ask that people not do less.
Week of January 1st
Fruits, Vegetables (including nuts and beans), Juices and Teas only (pure juices only, no juice cocktails) clear broths
Week of January 8th
Fruits, Vegetables, Juices, Tea, Whole Grain Breads, Whole Grain Pasta, Brown Rice
Week of January 18th
Fruits, Vegetables, Juices, Tea, Whole Grain Breads, Whole Grain Pasta, Brown Rice, Dairy (Milk, Cheese, Yogurt), Boiled or Poached Egg
- Drink lots of water (a minimal of 8 glasses a day)
- Fruits, Vegetables (including nuts and beans), Juices and Teas only (pure juices only, no juice cocktails)
- Clear broths which may be modify to include fish, Tofu or other protein (not beef, poultry) if necessary for health reasons
- Abstain from certain foods each week during the month (Daniel Fast)
- Natural sweeteners like raw honey are allowable
- No cakes, pies, cookies, candy, soda, juice cocktails, fried foods
- You can eat as often as you like, but smaller portions are recommended so that you keep your spirit open and clear
- Please avoid refined sugar, white rice, white flour [and anything made with it], margarine [beginning the third week use butter or olive oil] and foods with preservatives (Daniel Fast)
What to Read & Write during this Time
Meditation Vision Scripture of the Year: Isaiah 43:18-19
Book of focus for 2010 - Isaiah 43 chapter 18
January list extended for those that start on 1/4
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