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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Any day now Troy Davis could face execution

Amnesty International USA: TAKE ACTION NOW!
Too much doubt! Don't let Georgia execute Troy Davis.
Stop the execution of Troy Davis!

Dear Ja'Mille,

Any day now, an execution date could be set for Troy Davis. On March 28, 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear Troy Davis' appeals, setting the stage for Georgia to try to execute him again.

Since then, we've kicked things into high gear to ensure that won't happen.

Thousands of you have once again rallied to ward off the unthinkable. Music artists such as R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe, the Indigo Girls, and rapper Big Boi (all Georgians), as well as Steve Earle, Joan Baez, State Radio and actor Tim Roth have joined us by signing the petition. Additionally, over 1,500 religious leaders, hundreds of legal professionals, and three Nobel Peace Prize laureates have added their voices.

Here's how you can help:

Sign the petition!

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Ask key leaders to sign-on: Stand Up Locally! It was four years ago that we launched the campaign for Troy Davis. Together, we have been making a difference. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people now know who Troy Davis' is and have learned how broken and unjust the death penalty is and why it must be abolished.

Troy has been scheduled for execution on three separate occasions. And on three separate occasions, his life was saved within a short period of time, even minutes, of his scheduled execution date.

Those moments happened because enough people like you believed in the cause and came out strong to show their support.

We must ensure that execution is never again an option.

In Solidarity,

Laura Moye
Director, Death Penalty Abolition Campaign
Amnesty International USA

P.S. Stay up-to-date on the latest Troy Davis news at

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