Well as the week progressed I had an interview setup for that Friday so I called his shop on Thursday morning to speak with him about coming in as soon as possible. I am assuming whoever was in the shop answered the phone and I left a message for him to call me. This was at 8AM. I called back at 11 because I had not heard back from him and again the same lady answered the phone and I left yet another message. I still had not heard back from him by 1PM so I called his cell and left a message. After I still had not heard back from him at 3:30PM, I went up to his shop to see if perhaps someone else in his shop might accommodate me. Low and behold, as I walk in, Mr. Clem is there roller setting a ladies hair and was almost done. I was livid but I politely asked him if he had received any of my messages and his response to me was, "Yes, I got her about an hour ago and I've been busy, I had not had a chance to call you." So I proceed to ask him if he had an opening and he patronizingly asks, "What do you need done?" I tell him I need a wash and press. He sighs deeply and seems disturbed and agitated with my interrupting him and my line of questioning. I told him never mind and walked out.
No one who owns a beauty salon should be visibly distressed when a new client seeks them out for services. Mr. Clem and “We Are One” will NEVER have to worry about my patronage to his business or establishment nor will I EVER recommend them to anyone
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