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Monday, December 31, 2012

Oh am I inconvienencing you by wanting your business? Customer Service #FAIL

I am new to the Port Arthur area and received Mr. Clem's information from Diva Beauty Store. She recommended him specifically because he has dreads, natural hair and I have #naturalhiar. So I went to his salon on Friday, Nov. 30th to make an appt. for the following Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 and I told him I had natural hair and who had referred me. I specifically asked him if I could call him in case something changed and I needed to come in earlier. He said yes but that he had to do a sew-in on Tuesday but any time after that would be fine.

Well as the week progressed I had an interview setup for that Friday so I called his shop on Thursday morning to speak with him about coming in as soon as possible. I am assuming whoever was in the shop answered the phone and I left a message for him to call me. This was at 8AM. I called back at 11 because I had not heard back from him and again the same lady answered the phone and I left yet another message. I still had not heard back from him by 1PM so I called his cell and left a message. After I still had not heard back from him at 3:30PM, I went up to his shop to see if perhaps someone else in his shop might accommodate me. Low and behold, as I walk in, Mr. Clem is there roller setting a ladies hair and was almost done. I was livid but I politely asked him if he had received any of my messages and his response to me was, "Yes, I got her about an hour ago and I've been busy, I had not had a chance to call you." So I proceed to ask him if he had an opening and he patronizingly asks, "What do you need done?" I tell him I need a wash and press. He sighs deeply and seems disturbed and agitated with my interrupting him and my line of questioning. I told him never mind and walked out.

 No one who owns a beauty salon should be visibly distressed when a new client seeks them out for services. Mr. Clem and “We Are One” will NEVER have to worry about my patronage to his business or establishment nor will I EVER recommend them to anyone


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

She's such a #loser - am I next?

Linda R - My Before and After Story

"I am so excited to share my before and after picture. I am thankful for these Herbalife products. They have taken me from a 180 lb and who knows what size, because I did not want to know! To a 145 lb and a comfortable size 8. I plan on maintaining for the years to come, which I know I can do because I have help from Herbalife!"

- Linda R (Spokane, WA)

GOTCHA!~! Yes I plan to follow in Linda's example. She is an example of where I am and how much I want to lose.
She inspires me! Follow me on my health journey...

Eating Right with Dr. Luigi | #healthyJa

My journey to healthy eating ~These are wonderful tips to a #healthyJa ~ follow me on my journey!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Online Business System... so simple and easy!


I am putting together my preliminary business plan... I am DESTINED for GREATNESS

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mainstream media: Report the facts and call out candidates when they lie

I signed a petition to Ben Sherwood, President, ABC News, Jeff Fager, Chairman, CBS News, and 4 others which says:

"Mainstream media: Fact-check and call out candidates when they lie. You have an obligation as journalists to educate the public on the facts of the major campaign issues."

Will you sign this petition too? Click here


What if... I tried God at His Word, my situation gets better, I become successful, what if ?

First I want thank and praise God for all of you reading this post which means God allowed you to see yet another day here on Earth. Every morning at 5:45AM I plug into a pray line and I want to just share with you some of the word and exhortation that went forth this morning. We read Lamentations 3:25 - The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

The moderator went on to read an article that she discussed in further detail. She stated how we MUST expect great things and not anticipate for bad things to happen or expect the other shoe to drop. That God is WAITING to bless us and He wants to bless us but we must be ever so careful and diligent of everything that we allow to spew out of our mouth. Simply put we birth the words that we speak - whether good, bad or indifferent. God is motivated by our faith (the substances of THINGS HOPED for and the evidence of THINGS NOT seen), the confessions (talk) of our mouths and the actions we take to bring about our "TALK". Have you ever noticed how in Genesis it says, "... God said... " and whatever he spoke happened. God did not think or assume but HE SAID! (FYI - "God said" appears 46 times in the book of Genesis). SO there is a three parter to this whole dconversation... God expects us to speak what it is we want because He does want to bless us, He wants use to remain steadfast on that which we ask for and not deviate from positive thinking and confessions and he wants us to expect that whuch we ask for.

So confess (talk) and speak forth ...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Say "What if... <positive input, confession, affiirmation here">. Speak those things over your life you wish to happen to you or for you regardless of what it looks like or sounds like. There is NOTHING to hard for God - shoot He SPOKE SOMETHING from nothing. **IMPRESSIVE**

Please read the article that initiated our discussion this morning. Thanks @Cheryl Carr


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Breakfast tuesday august 21st 2012


Today I took the fruit that we cut up for the week and made a fruit parfait - about a cup of fruit, some yogurt and granola. Mmmm Mmmm good!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Breakfast 8/20/12


Good morning everybody! Of course i'm starting my day off right with first prayer, praise and breakfast. Today I'm having a bowl of raisin bran crunch with a quarter cup of milk, two pieces of Ezekial raisin bread toast with butter and a half a banana. i've gotta get myself charged so I can accomplish what I'm gonna get done today. Ya'll have a blessed day!

Peace and love

Friday, August 17, 2012

My fruit salad

This is not the final product and I have not added all the fruit I purchase the other day. Yesterday I cut up strawberries, grapes and the pineapple and today my mother added half of the watermelon, 4 kiwis, an orange and 3 peaches.

I placed half of a cup in a bowl along with a tbsp of yogurt and sprinkled some granola over... Mmmm I get my sweet fix!

Breakfast 8/17/12


a bowl of fruit, a piece of honey wheat toast with honey and 1 egg.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Preparing fruit salad to snack on #healthyja


I have bananas pineapple strawberries peaches apple kiwi honeydew watermelon, grapes, apples. Once I am done making the fruit salad I will take a picture and post it.

Breakfast - 8/16/12


1 banana and 2 pieces of honey wheat toast with honey and 1/2 cup of milk... Transformation here I come!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My 2yr old daughter dancing and singing to the #YouTube grey squirrel singing "BOYFRIEND" - by @JustinBieber

My petite daughter with all her personality! We played this youtube video and she started dancing  and was trying to sing like the squirrel (not Biebers actual lyrics). I need to get her an agent and put her in commercials or have her try out for movies.

12+-+1.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My son and daughter watching "Rio" together


This is very rare occasion, because regardless of their age span they still manage to irritate one another. Aurya not wanting to be bothered or touched and screaming at the top of her lungs when she is and StéFon trying to force his sister's to be a "doll baby" ( you know, trying to hold her, force her to go with him, trying to make her sit next to him and not letting her go when she offers up a hug, e t c...) but then not wanting to be bothered when he's doing something ( 1 East how to play video games or eat or sleep email
I love capturing these moments when they happen, when they're actually getting along and loving one another.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My sleeping sugah bear


A car ride always does the trick ;-)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

HIV crisis facing black women in metro Atlanta | Health | Cartersville News #GetTested #SoulcialMe

It doesn't matter what race or gender is being mentioned in the news - it is disheartening for anyone to be positive of HIV. HIV is not a death sentence but like the lady in the interview stated who wants to with someone who is HIV positive? I cannot image having to deal with that on top of all my other life issues that I have (menial of course in comparison). I will definitely not be sharing any needles, second guessing all blood transfusions and waiting to engage in any "physical intimacy" with my husband and even then I will need to see a FULL current physical from a medical doctor.

Peace and Long Life!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mmmm fruit salad... #HealthyJa

This salad is comprised of apples, oranges, kiwi, mango, watermelon, grapes, peaches and strawberries. Time for me to get back on the path of healthy eating.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mmmm fruit salad... #HealthyJa

This salad is comprised of apples, oranges, kiwi, mango, watermelon, grapes, peaches and strawberries. Time for me to get back on the path of healthy eating.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tracy McMillan: Why You're Not Married <3 IT!

You want to get married. It's taken a while to admit it. Saying it out loud -- even in your mind -- feels kind of desperate, kind of unfeminist, kind of definitely not you, or at least not any you that you recognize. Because you're hardly like those girls on TLC saying yes to the dress and you would never compete for a man like those poor actress-wannabes on The Bachelor.

You've never dreamt of an aqua-blue ring box.

Then, something happened. Another birthday, maybe. A breakup. Your brother's wedding. His wife-elect asked you to be a bridesmaid, and suddenly there you were, wondering how in hell you came to be 36-years-old, walking down the aisle wearing something halfway decent from J. Crew that you could totally repurpose with a cute pair of boots and a jean jacket. You started to hate the bride -- she was so effing happy -- and for the first time ever you began to have feelings about the fact that you're not married. You never really cared that much before. But suddenly (it was so sudden) you found yourself wondering... Deep, deep breath... Why you're not married.

Well, I know why.

How? It basically comes down to this: I've been married three times. Yes, three. To a very nice MBA at 19; a very nice minister's son at 32 (and pregnant); and at 40, to a very nice liar and cheater who was just like my dad, if my dad had gone to Harvard instead of doing multiple stints in federal prison.

I was, for some reason, born knowing how to get married. Growing up in foster care is a big part of it. The need for security made me look for very specific traits in the men I dated -- traits it turns out lead to marriage a surprisingly high percentage of the time. Without really trying to, I've become a sort of jailhouse lawyer of relationships -- someone who's had to do so much work on her own case that I can now help you with yours.

But I won't lie. The problem is not men, it's you. Sure, there are lame men out there, but they're not really standing in your way. Because the fact is -- if whatever you're doing right now was going to get you married, you'd already have a ring on. So without further ado, let's look at the top six reasons why you're not married.

1. You're a Bitch.
Here's what I mean by bitch. I mean you're angry. You probably don't think you're angry. You think you're super smart, or if you've been to a lot of therapy, that you're setting boundaries. But the truth is you're pissed. At your mom. At the military-industrial complex. At Sarah Palin. And it's scaring men off.

The deal is: most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men. I know it seems unfair that you have to work around a man's fear and insecurity in order to get married -- but actually, it's perfect, since working around a man's fear and insecurity is big part of what you'll be doing as a wife.

2. You're Shallow.

When it comes to choosing a husband, only one thing really, truly matters: character. So it stands to reason that a man's character should be at the top of the list of things you are looking for, right? But if you're not married, I already know it isn't. Because if you were looking for a man of character, you would have found one by now. Men of character are, by definition, willing to commit.

Instead, you are looking for someone tall. Or rich. Or someone who knows what an Eames chair is. Unfortunately, this is not the thinking of a wife. This is the thinking of a teenaged girl. And men of character do not want to marry teenaged girls. Because teenage girls are never happy. And they never feel like cooking, either.

3. You're a Slut.

Hooking up with some guy in a hot tub on a rooftop is fine for the ladies of Jersey Shore -- but they're not trying to get married. You are. Which means, unfortunately, that if you're having sex outside committed relationships, you will have to stop. Why? Because past a certain age, casual sex is like recreational heroin -- it doesn't stay recreational for long.

That's due in part to this thing called oxytocin -- a bonding hormone that is released when a woman a) nurses her baby and b) has an orgasm -- that will totally mess up your casual-sex game. It's why you can be f**k-buddying with some dude who isn't even all that great and the next thing you know, you're totally strung out on him. And you have no idea how it happened. Oxytocin, that's how it happened. And since nature can't discriminate between marriage material and Charlie Sheen, you're going to have to start being way more selective than you are right now.

4. You're a Liar.
It usually goes something like this: you meet a guy who is cute and likes you, but he's not really available for a relationship. He has some condition that absolutely precludes his availability, like he's married, or he gets around town on a skateboard. Or maybe he just comes right out and says something cryptic and open to interpretation like, "I'm not really available for a relationship right now."

You know if you tell him the truth -- that you're ready for marriage -- he will stop calling. Usually that day. And you don't want that. So you just tell him how perfect this is because you only want to have sex for fun! You love having fun sex! And you don't want to get in a relationship at all! You swear!

About ten minutes later, the oxytocin kicks in. You start wanting more. But you don't tell him that. That's your secret -- just between you and 22,000 of your closest girlfriends. Instead, you hang around, having sex with him, waiting for him to figure out that he can't live without you. I have news: he will never "figure" this out. He already knows he can live without you just fine. And so do you. Or you wouldn't be lying to him in the first place.

5. You're Selfish.
If you're not married, chances are you think a lot about you. You think about your thighs, your outfits, your naso-labial folds. You think about your career, or if you don't have one, you think about doing yoga teacher training. Sometimes you think about how marrying a wealthy guy -- or at least a guy with a really, really good job -- would solve all your problems.

Howevs, a good wife, even a halfway decent one, does not spend most of her day thinking about herself. She has too much s**t to do, especially after having kids. This is why you see a lot of celebrity women getting husbands after they adopt. The kids put the woman on notice: Bitch, hello! It's not all about you anymore! After a year or two of thinking about someone other than herself, suddenly, Brad Pitt or Harrison Ford comes along and decides to significantly other her. Which is also to say -- if what you really want is a baby, go get you one. Your husband will be along shortly. Motherhood has a way of weeding out the lotharios.

6. You're Not Good Enough.
Oh, I don't think that. You do. I can tell because you're not looking for a partner who is your equal. No, you want someone better than you are: better looking, better family, better job.

Here is what you need to know: You are enough right this minute. Period. Not understanding this is a major obstacle to getting married, since women who don't know their own worth make terrible wives. Why? You can fake it for a while, but ultimately you won't love your spouse any better than you love yourself. Smart men know this.

I see this at my son's artsy, progressive school. Of 183 kids, maybe six have moms who are as cute as you're trying to be. They're attractive, sure. They're just not objects. Their husbands (wisely) chose them for their character, not their cup size.

Alright, so that's the bad news. The good news is that I believe every woman who wants to can find a great partner. You're just going to need to get rid of the idea that marriage will make you happy. It won't. Once the initial high wears off, you'll just be you, except with twice as much laundry.

Because ultimately, marriage is not about getting something -- it's about giving it. Strangely, men understand this more than we do. Probably because for them marriage involves sacrificing their most treasured possession -- a free-agent penis -- and for us, it's the culmination of a princess fantasy so universal, it built Disneyland.

The bottom line is that marriage is just a long-term opportunity to practice loving someone even when they don't deserve it. Because most of the time, your messy, farting, macaroni-and-cheese eating man will not be doing what you want him to. But as you give him love anyway -- because you have made up your mind to transform yourself into a person who is practicing being kind, deep, virtuous, truthful, giving, and most of all, accepting of your own dear self -- you will find that you will experience the very thing you wanted all along:


Tracy McMillan is a TV writer whose credits include Mad Men and The United States of Tara. Her memoir I Love You and I'm Leaving You Anyway is now available in paperback from Harper Collins/It Books. She lives in Los Angeles with her 13-year-old son. Follow her on Twitter.


I love her candor and straight-forward attitude. It's refreshing to hear her honesty and I love the fact that she was transparent enough to share her personal life. ^5 to Tracy McMillan

Friday, June 15, 2012

P2P Real Men Cook 2012 | Atlanta,GA Sunday June 17th GWCC 3-6PM | #SoulcialMe

Wonderful Story! I hope you all attend the event this year... THE FOOD IS AWESOME!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pink's Going Back to Cali, Cali Cali - June 15, 223 S. Brevard Street, Charlotte, NC 28202


FREE until 11PM




Friday, June 1, 2012

Aurya kissing her favorite Sesame Street character, Elmo

VIDEO0004-0-0.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Elmo absolutely loves Elmo... <useful factiod> Elmo is a Muppet character on the children's television show Sesame Street. He is a furry red monster who hosts the last full fifteen minute segment on Sesame Street, Elmo's World, which is aimed at toddlers. Kevin Clash, the genius behind the creation of Elmo, is an African-American puppeteer who uses falsetto to produce his voice.

My babies and I mean muggin'



Sent from

Aurya is going to drive us to the airport - what a smart baby


She's such a happy baby!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Summer Summer Summer Summertime - Awww Summertime!

Beginning of Summer 2012 with Ste'Fon, Jessiah and Aurya

Aurya tanning by the pool


Of course I posed her a little. I couldn't help it she's so adorable in her one piece bathing suit with skirt accent and matching swim shoes.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

SO as promised, I am being more transparent. I finally did it, I pierced my nose!

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I have wanted to do this for years and didn’t half because I was scared and half because I thought my mother wouldn’t approve (funny huh? No matter how I get I am still are concerned about “Ooo but what’s my mom going to think”). So obviously I am over it, well the mom part anyway and I just figured I’d do it (by the way – many of the beautiful women in the Bible had nose piercings <~~look at me trying to justify my actions (D’OH)

Yesterday at 9PM I went to Ink Pitt in Fort Worth and had Jack stick a needle through my nose (YES IT HURT! But only for a brief minute) and put a crystal stud in it.

Tell me, what are your thoughts or comments?

What is that rustling coming from the kitchen pantry at 8am?

So Aurya and I are in the kitchen as I am cutting up fruit for a fruit salad and parfaits. I left the pantry door open (because I'm going back and forth from it to the refrigerator).


As I'm cutting I hear rustling from the kitchen pantry and a few moments later my daughter is calling me "mommy" and holding up her sippy cup and a bottle of water (I know it's not the most environmentally conscience thing to buy but my filter is broken). So she continues to scream my name until I stop what I am doing and attend to her. So I wash the cup out and open the bottle of water to pour it into her sippy cup and hand it to her; she proceeds to drink like she's been in the desert deprived of water for 2 days.

VID-20120523-00000.3gp Watch on Posterous

So I go back to what I am doing. And a few minutes later I hear rustling again and this crunching sound. I go into the living room and Aurya is on the floor with a bag of Lime Tostada chips just munching back. I did not take them from her because #1 she took the initiative to go and get them #2 she was quiet and not wanting my attention and #3 she was thoroughly enjoying them and #4 she's so cute and very smart <~~~I know that's not really a reason but HEY it's true and I'm biased.


For those who are judging and shocked I did give her a fruit parfait once I was done preparing the fruit salad.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Out walking the dogs on this beautiful blustery morning


I absolutely love the weather here in Fort Worth but I miss all om friends

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I think Ft. Worth agrees with me! What do you think?

This is me at the Fort Worth Water Gardens today. Did you know 4 people drowned here in 2004?

Aurya' 1st complete sentence


So we had just got done eating at Olive Garden and we're in the car on the way to see Ft. Worth's Water Gardens... Aurya: Momma
Me: Yes baby

Aurya: Momma
Me: Yes baby

Aurya: Momma
Me: Yes Aurya

Aurya: Momma
Me: Yes Aurya J'Ne

Aurya: Can I hab mmmbinky bees?
(Translation: Can I have my binky please)

Me: Eyes gaping and mouth open in awe of my 20 month old daughter as I look for her binky (pacifier) to give to her...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Why LinkedIn is a critical business tool

LinkedIn is a critical tool for a business audience, specifically business-to-business companies.

The target audience is executives and professionals looking to network as compared to an average consumer.

  • What to do: Establish a company profile, where you will give an overview of your business, and an individual profile, where you provide a short version of your résumé. Make sure to upload a headshot or a business logo, and list your personal or business specialties.
  • Connect: Make connections with current and past colleagues and schoolmates, and accept those who request you as a contact if you know them or have interacted with them. You can also create or join groups, which allow users who have certain connections — alumni associations or nonprofit boards, for example — to have a central place to connect.
  • Searching: You can look for people, updates, jobs and companies, among others, and can be done through the search and advanced search function, or From there, you can set up alerts to follow a company and see what it is discussing online. Following can be a useful way to determine who you need to connect with when looking to deal with a specific company.
  • Stay in touch: LinkedIn can also be useful to stay in touch with your network. Sending a quick congratulatory note to connections with new jobs, or to those who just got promoted,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Egg white and cheese sandwich... Late #lunchtime


Okay so I am trying to get back into the groove of posting what I eat (I've NOT been good about eating healthy) so back on the train I jump.

Today for late lunch I'm having an egg white (with green and yellow onions and for a kick some jalapeno pepper - and one slice of cheese) sandwich on cinnamon raisin ezekial bread sprayed lightly with "I can't believe it's not butter - olive oil spray.

What did you have for lunch?