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Friday, January 13, 2012

Breakfast yesterday


I cup of oatmeal with cinnamon & apples, 1 piece of toasted cinnamon and raisin ezekial bread and 16 oz green tea

od is not mad at you, nor will He ever be. He poured out all His wrath on Jesus on the cross!

God loves you so madly that He gave His only BEGOTTEN son, Yeshua, to bring us back into right-standing and covenant relationship with Him. Mediate On Yeshua!!!!!

Thank you Father Yahweh!


Listen to Mr. Omilami with @4hosea on V103 and 1380AM within the hour (by 10a) "GOD is FAITHFUL!"

Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless is an excellent organization to sow into. Give back to your community - volunteer!!!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lite late breakfast: Ezekial english muffin and yogurt w/granola (270 calories)


I am determined! I will be a size 8! I am currently an 11/12. I was a bit sore this morning so I just did #Slimin6 Slim&Limber. I will more than likely do Start It Up when Aurya goes down for her nap.

Pray for me!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This is how Aurya fell asleep

The beanbag that Aurya is on is my son's, Ste'fon, who is now living with his father in OK. I brought it downstairs from his room so that she could use it but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that she'd become so attached to it. She is missing her big brother and so am I :(

Potty training time...

Okay so my daughter has this doll (baby alive) that her father purchased her and she drinks a bottle, wears a diaper and tinkles; some other stuff too but it's not relevant to this posting, So we gave the doll baby some water and took her pamper off and sat her on Aurya's potty. Aurya appeared disinterested and just tookthe doll's bottle and proceeded drink the rest of the water from it.

So now we are in the process of training Aurya <sigh>. I am confessing right NOW this is going to simple and easy transition. So far NO drama


When someone continues to JUDGE you according to your PAST - Don't be afraid to place them there!
