LiveStream with Ja'

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

I am thankful that my mother made it safely to Ohio and that my Big Daddy's surgery was successful. #GIG

I choose this day to be happy, think positively and not to allow the cumbersome things of my world to bring me down.

Lord I thank and praise you in advance for paying off my house, my student loans and all my bills to be paid in full.

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Please pray for God's traveling mercy for my mother today - she is flying to Ohio.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Amnesty breaking news: Supreme Court declines 2 hear Troy Davis appeal. Stage set for execution. We'll continue fight 4 justice! Read more:

This is outrageous! So they're just gonna go ahead and try to execute him without another hearing? Those witnesses have said that they were coerced and lied... Why not just give him a new trial I don't understand!

We're not saying just let him go free but give Troy the opportunity to bring those witnesses forward.

Ludicrous!! Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from Ja's BlackBerry®

Vera Wang takes her fabulous wedding dress designs to the masses. spon

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Rain Rain (and hail, thunder and lightening) please go away and come again some other day...

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's thundering and lightening (so I am cheesin' and blushin' as God takes my pic and the Angel's give Him a standing ovation) #GIG

Life is too short to be so serious; laugh a little - it does the body good like as unto medicine.

God is good :)

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Success is a CHOICE! If it is to be it is up to me. I'll do one thing today in the direction of becoming financially free. #GIG

...I will complete my dream board. Procrastination is a dream killer. I am so guilty of starting something and not completing it when it becomes too difficult, cumbersome or if it does not yield the desire I was anticipating.

I realize this is an issue I have and I seek to overcome it by admitting first and foremost this is a problem. My solution is to be held accountable to all of you who read my blog. I will post here everyday what step I am taking to become totally financially independent and how I'm regaining my time freedom back.

Today I will complete my dream board and post it tomorrow for you all to see. Help me stay on course. Call me to the carpet.

I love you for reading my inner rants.
Whatsoever a man thinks, so is he!

God is good! #GIG
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

AND... scene (goodnight)

I crack my self up sometimes (If I can't laugh at myself - then what's the point??)
