LiveStream with Ja'

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mainstream media: Report the facts and call out candidates when they lie

I signed a petition to Ben Sherwood, President, ABC News, Jeff Fager, Chairman, CBS News, and 4 others which says:

"Mainstream media: Fact-check and call out candidates when they lie. You have an obligation as journalists to educate the public on the facts of the major campaign issues."

Will you sign this petition too? Click here


What if... I tried God at His Word, my situation gets better, I become successful, what if ?

First I want thank and praise God for all of you reading this post which means God allowed you to see yet another day here on Earth. Every morning at 5:45AM I plug into a pray line and I want to just share with you some of the word and exhortation that went forth this morning. We read Lamentations 3:25 - The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

The moderator went on to read an article that she discussed in further detail. She stated how we MUST expect great things and not anticipate for bad things to happen or expect the other shoe to drop. That God is WAITING to bless us and He wants to bless us but we must be ever so careful and diligent of everything that we allow to spew out of our mouth. Simply put we birth the words that we speak - whether good, bad or indifferent. God is motivated by our faith (the substances of THINGS HOPED for and the evidence of THINGS NOT seen), the confessions (talk) of our mouths and the actions we take to bring about our "TALK". Have you ever noticed how in Genesis it says, "... God said... " and whatever he spoke happened. God did not think or assume but HE SAID! (FYI - "God said" appears 46 times in the book of Genesis). SO there is a three parter to this whole dconversation... God expects us to speak what it is we want because He does want to bless us, He wants use to remain steadfast on that which we ask for and not deviate from positive thinking and confessions and he wants us to expect that whuch we ask for.

So confess (talk) and speak forth ...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Say "What if... <positive input, confession, affiirmation here">. Speak those things over your life you wish to happen to you or for you regardless of what it looks like or sounds like. There is NOTHING to hard for God - shoot He SPOKE SOMETHING from nothing. **IMPRESSIVE**

Please read the article that initiated our discussion this morning. Thanks @Cheryl Carr
