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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Barnes and Noble, plug in your technology #FAIL - I'm sticking with @Starbucks #SoulcialMe

So I arrive at the mall of georgia and wanted to enjoy some much needed down time. As I have said in the past, I understand why young people have children. Here there's NO baby girl mashing buttons on or power down my laptop. I am able to read and to enjoy a book without having to stop and look up every second to say "Don't touch that! eww don't put that in your mouth! NO! We don't hit, Aurya. Come here! Give that to mommy... I could go on and on but you get the jest of my blessed dilemma. So I head on over to the Barnes and Noble Store #02972 (3333 Buford Drive, Space Va01, Buford, GA, 30519). <~~ hehehehe. I approach B&N and I'm excited because I see the FREE WIFI sign!! I bsolutely LOVE this bookstore!


As I enter there is an employee posted in the front to greet me (NO I did not take a picture of him although I should have). I ask him where the electrical outlets are and he says there are TWO located upstairs and preceeds to tell me where they are located. So I head up the escalators and towards the restrooms and see the first of my options... 


WoW really? Common sense tells that posting a chair here would be a hazard, so I proceed to the next location and there is a lady already posted up here. It is appears as if she dragged a chair from across the store to take advantage of the electrical outlet. 


I interrupt her and asked her about sharing the outlet (of course I brought my relocatable power tap). She tells me that an employee positioned her here and he made it seem as if she had a time limit, coming back ever so often to ask how long she was going to be. All of the other outlets have been replaced with plate covers. And a third outlet has a note attached stating, "This is not a public outlet. We respectfully ask that you please refrain from plugging your personal electrical devices in here. This is to protect your property. Thank You." I'm dumbfounded! If there is an issue with their electrical wiring please get it fixed!!

My thoughts are they are trying to dissuade people from coming and staying too long! BUY our BOOKS and then LEAVE!!! I really don't understand this logic because I do spend money in B&N - heck I even have a membership card.

WAIT!!! Perhaps they are trying to save money <raising eye brow> Who knows what the real reason is? Why offer FREE WIFI and then have no way for people to keep their electrical devices charged? I'm going to go to Starbuck's ~~~~>


I have this beautiful Kimball upright console piano with bench for sale.

It is missing the left knob (pic included) on the cover for the keys and the sheet holder needs to be tightened back down to the piano but this piano is in WONDERFUL condition!

I'd prefer someone local (metro Atlanta) to purchase it and starting price is $700... I do have it listed on craigslist and ebay - so first come first serve!

Please email ( me if you are interested. Serious inquiries only!
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing


It is just amazing to me how stupid we as humans can be sometimes. Wolves are “running game” on unsuspecting people who have no ulterior motives or ill intentions. They tell you their life story within the 1st week of meeting them so they appear genuine and sincere. But it is just all part of their "game".  From the jump, they never had any intentions on making you a permanent fixture in their lives - YOU are just “Someone to do” to help them pass their time until a new prey is spotted and being hunted. The wolf pretends to be lonely, misunderstand and misjudged - a strategy used by them  so the distracted person will lower their guard and that’s when they pounce on you. It’s mean, cruel, and they’re often unrepentant because they figure –eh you are just spoils of the hunt. (HMMPH!!)

I’ve heard many reiterate, including my Bishop, that when you meet someone, 9 times out of 10, you meet their representative. Waiting approximately 6 months guarantees the “real slim shady” will make his/her grand entrance. There are telltale signs everywhere! Often we get so preoccupied by sex or emotional hang ups (financial dependency, potential for greatness, having children together, or being strung along by broken promises) that we fail to see them or they’re often ignored. First of all, we’ve got to STOP being polite to spare the other persons feelings; it does NOTHING but causes resentment. For example, the wolf introduces you as their business partner or “friend”, never a girlfriend/boyfriend or significant other. They tell you that they are just in your life to prepare you for your wife or husband – you know “for a season”. They will manipulate you into doing things for them by making promises to you that never keep. They NEVER remember anything pertaining to you (your birthday, appointments) or have time for you. They are always concern about what others can do for them and not what they can do for others. They project they’re negative feelings onto you – “you need to learn how to be my friend” or “you had better watch what you say to me” or “you better be careful how you treat me” or “you have a familiar spirit” – using this in the wrong context to control you and keep you from getting too close to them or too involved in their personal life a (so you don’t talk to their family and friends – they don’t want to be exposed) or even worse treating you like a 3rd class citizen – emasculating or making gender biased remarks. Or acting like a complete baby when they don’t get their way or you don’t do what they want to do.

Only you have the power to control how you allow others to treat or speak to you. Love yourself enough to walk away. Don’t get sucked into a one sided relationship and lose your identity. Shake the dust from your feet and walk away.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I don't have a lot of money (YET), I don't have a lot of material things, I am not where I want to be in life (YET), I have good days, I have bad days, sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel, the smile on my face is only a shield hiding how I really feel !!! I DO KNOW I HAVE GOD IN MY LIFE AND HE LETS ME KNOW EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT !!!

So I took a before and after picture. It took me 45 minutes to wash and 2 hours to flat iron my hair.


I absolutely love being natural! I have so many more options than I did putting the creamy hair crack on my head.
I am glad I endured the transition. Now to concentrate on getting this weight off of me and revamp my business